Looking to motivate your sales team, inspire your leadership groups, or take your life insurance sales career to new heights, I am here to help. Teaching and motivating are my passions, and specialty. Let's connect and bring out the best in you and your team!

Flexible pricing depending on budget. Let's talk about your next event!


Despite growing up in extremely challenging circumstances in my youth, I was able to overcome numerous obstacles and emerge stronger.

In 2002, my family and I endured tough times, despite being blessed. I was working long hours as a Frito-Lay rep, clocking more than 70 hours a week. Despite the struggles, I had the unwavering support of my wife, which gave me the courage to take a leap of faith and start a Farmers' Insurance agency from scratch. It was a challenging decision since we only had $300 in savings. However, with five young children to provide for and our financial situation getting worse, we knew we had to find a better way.

Some days, I left home knowing that if I didn't make any sales, we would struggle even to have something to eat. But I refused to give up; the challenges only motivated me to work harder and learn faster.

Years of determination and hard work finally paid off, and my agency became one of the top 0.5% of the company. This success led me to become a motivational speaker, inspiring other insurance agents nationwide. Later on, I became the head of Agent Life Development and the district manager of Northern Colorado.

Today family and I run an insurance agency in Colorado, and I teach at my online life insurance sales academy. I also speak at corporate events and sales conventions of all types. My journey has taught me that success is not about where you start but where you finish. It's about having the courage to take a leap of faith, the determination to never give up, and the willingness to work hard, improve your skills, and fight for your dreams.

Motivational Speaker

I had the privilege to get to hear your story about your personal life experience & valuable lessons on the need for life insurance twice in San Angelo, TX Still probably the best speech I have ever heard. Keep preaching it"

-Darrell Freeman

Best Selling Author of A Whole Life

There comes a point in the game of life when you have to decide whether you are going to play the cards you have been given or fold"

-Jack Jameson

Click below to order your copy today!

Master-Class Life Insurance Trainer

I heard you speak nearly a decade ago. I was a very new agent and something you said stuck with me. I’ve not only lived it daily, but shared it with many other agents “never leave your day/the office, without a win”. I even hold my producers to this. A win is what you define it to be. But I’ve held myself accountable to this everyday for a decade and it works.

Jillian Justice-Childs